Collection: Antonello Tedde - ALL

Embark on a journey of style and sustainability with our curated collection of Antonello Tedde bags, where every piece tells a story of heritage and modern craftsmanship.....

Uncover the ideal accessory for every occasion in our diverse selection, ranging from the sleek simplicity of our cross-body bags to the spacious elegance of our tote bags. Antonello Tedde is celebrated for marrying traditional techniques with contemporary design, all while prioritizing environmentally responsible materials.

Our collection showcases a variety of textures, each carefully chosen for its quality and environmental sustainability. These include organic cotton and reclaimed textiles. All are brought to life with the vibrant, earthy colours inspired by the stunning landscapes of Sardinia. The designs stand out with meticulous attention to detail, whether in bold, simplistic statements or intricate patterns drawn from nature and Sardinian culture.

With a strong commitment to eco-friendly practices, Antonello Tedde bags are not just accessories but symbols of ethical fashion. Our evening selection features clutches that perfectly complement your dressier ensembles, embodying the brand's knack for blending traditional motifs with modern sensibilities.

For those needing a practical yet stylish solution, our larger bags come equipped with organized compartments and protective sections for electronic devices, ensuring everything you need is safe and easily accessible. Options with ergonomic carry handles or soft shoulder straps provide comfort without sacrificing elegance, making Antonello Tedde bags a seamless blend of practicality and artisanal charm. This collection invites you to embrace a lifestyle where luxury meets responsibility, offering pieces as thoughtful as they are beautiful.